Professor Portuese is an antitrust expert on US antitrust laws and EU competition laws. Aurelien Portuese is also an antitrust lawyer.

Prior to joining George Washington University as Research Professor, Professor Portuese was an adjunct professor at George Mason University, a director of antitrust and innovation at a think tank, and a professor at different UK and French universities.

Professor Portuese was a visiting researcher at the Center for Competition Law and Policy at the University of Oxford.

Professor Portuese has published the book Algorithmic Antitrust in 2022, and the book The Principle of Economic Efficiency in the European Case-Law in 2014. Aurelien Portuese has published several articles on antitrust, including at the Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance, George Mason Law Review, Columbia Journal of European Law, Journal of Economic Affairs, European Journal of Law & Economics, Journal of Law, Economics & Policy, Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, European Law Journal, Concurrences, Competition Policy International. He also wrote numerous op-eds, shorter articles, and public comments for regulatory authorities.

Professor Portuese was nominated for the 2022 Antitrust Writing Award for his article Precautionary Antitrust and for the 2019 Antitrust Writing Award for his article Antitrust Populism.

Professor Portuese is the Editor of the Special Symposium Beyond Dynamic Competition of the ABA’s Antitrust Law Journal to be published in 2024.

He is also a member of the intergovernmental group of experts on Competition Law and Policy of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). He regularly speaks at conferences and private events.